General terms and conditions and information
- Sliced does not endeavor to use the information that is decided on this website for illegal criminal activities.
- The website is an information portal and serves only entertainment purposes. The content can not be regarded as a legal advice of any kind.
- Game is a completely independent directory and information service that offers a most comprehensive experience and competence in the game of gambling.
- Game assumes no responsibility for discrepancies in the respective materials.
- The visitors to the website are solely responsible for determining whether it is legal for them to play certain games as well as to put certain missions.
- The service does not guarantee the accuracy of articles in materials.
- The visitors to the website must not copy, transfer or customize information.
- Sliced is not liable for the damage caused by the use of respective materials.
- The information decided on this website can be changed without prior notice.
- The information decided on this website will no obligation for the service in the future.
- All brands mentioned here are your legal owners.
- The contents of this website, unless they are marked with "Copy Freely" are protected. In view of this authorization, users of the page agree that copies of documents that you may create will keep all the copyright and ownership items contained herein.
- Game attempts to provide complete, accurate and current information.
- reserves the right to reject the prompts at removal of content at its sole discretion, except when listed content as sexually oriented, false, vulgar, offensive, obscene, threatening, discriminatory, the privacy of a person or in other way against the international law is considered hurtful.
- Note that there may be other intellectual property reserved for each service that can be subject to products, processes or technologies in this document.
- If you see incomplete or incorrect information, please us by e-mail.
It is strictly prohibited to publish real names or e-mail addresses or other sensitive information that may apply as personal information from private correspondence or from a user database.
It is strictly banned to publish protected material by copyright, if you do not have copyright or can not have a written consent of the owner of the material.
All contributions will be the property of the service after their publication. Copying and powing contributions of the service should only be made with our express permission and / or our discretion. Copying and inserting posts or threads of other forums is prohibited. Such actions can only take place if our explicit permission was granted.
Remember that we are not actively observed the comments that are posted here and therefore are not responsible for the contents contained in these comments. For the completeness, accuracy and usefulness of the information, we can also assume no responsibility. Posted comments will give the author's views again, not ours. If you believe that a posted comment is offensive, you can immediately inform the administrator or moderator about this - the employees will deal immediately afterwards.
Specific conditions
By visiting and using game you stick to the guidelines listed below and agree to this. We recommend that you carefully read the conditions listed below as well as our privacy policy before using the service. General terms and conditions of the listed guidelines for the respective website can be changed at any time. Of course, visitors will be informed by a current news on the respective page on the changes made of general terms and conditions and conditions and conferences.
Our conditions
Please do not forget that the terms used in the "Terms" section as "we" and "our" relate exclusively to the respective service, and the term "she" refers to the visitor.
Our content
Any content listed on the website include us. Copying and using the materials existing on the website is unacceptable and a violation of the law of spiritual property. Consider that this is punishable according to Australian law. The materials available on the website must not be published as their own camouflaged, published in the blog or another website or used for information or updates.
Their complaints
Game acts as a portal service and is not liable for any complaints that you may have at one of the online casinos listed. Please the customer service of the respective online casinos to solve problems and read our informative guide to the responsible play.
Information about the bonuses
Neither we or third parties that may be affected accept responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, presence, performance and suitability of the information and materials contained on the website. The information contained on the page is subject to subjectivity, personal opinions as well as human mistakes. Therefore, keep the information provided critical in the eye. Our team is proud of the completeness and objectivity of the information provided here, however, we recommend to read the terms and conditions of the online casinos for which they decide themselves carefully.
We can not guarantee that the respective website is free of program errors and viruses. We therefore recommend that you use software against viruses while surfing the Internet to protect your mobile devices as well as desktop. You must not abuse the site to plant viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other materials that could be harmful. If you do this, we reserve the right to report these online attacks necessary law enforcement agencies according to the Computer Misuse Act 1990. They have the right to link our service, but only a fair and legal manner that does not endanger or harm our reputation. We have the right to withdraw link permission at any time without prior notice.
Due to the special character of the portal, they will encounter a large number of external links. We assume no responsibility and have no control over the specific content of these links, even though they are accessible directly from our platform. Sliced assumes no responsibility for the specific materials of these websites. Game has no access to content listed on the pages, and no way to change this content.
Applicable right in legal disputes
In the case of a dispute between us and visitors or companies, these are subject to Australia. Thus, both parties agree that Australia is considered exclusive jurisdiction.
The live chat rules
By using the live chat function, you hereby agree with the following conditions automatically:
- They have no right to publish any materials that are considered sexually oriented, false, vulgar, offensive, obscene, threatening, discriminating, the privacy of a person or otherwise in vain against international law.
- You may not use the live chat function to discuss complaints. These are subject to the Support Team and are only available by e-mail.
- They have no right to make any statements that the hosts abuse, defame, harass or offend.
- You have no right to make any statements that can apply or relate to other online companies.
- You should pay eight formatting your comments. Of course we do not expect a perfect layout, but make sure that the basic spelling rules and punctuation can be used. Do not use a lock button to highlight something specific. There are other ways to emphasize a word or sentence than screaming online.
- Failure to comply with these rules (or one of the rules) can lead to the suspension and / or permanent blocking of the account.